Awaits incoming connections on ports:
Establishes connection:
- 8.#.8.8:53
- 5.###.227.65:61002
- 5.###.227.65:7685
- 11#.##9.93.60:2323
- 18#.##0.53.49:2223
- 14#.##9.97.60:9001
- 11#.##0.51.108:1024
Attacks using a special dictionary (brute-force technique) via the Telnet protocol.
Attacks using a special dictionary (brute-force technique) via an undefined protocol.
Sends data to the following servers:
- 5.###.227.65:61002
- 5.###.227.65:7685
- 22#.##4.56.83:554
- 25#.##7.32.86:1024
- 54.##.88.27:2223
- 24#.##.132.166:554
- 20#.##.142.103:2323
- 16#.##.122.143:554
- 18#.##1.57.104:9000
- 96.###.10.135:1024
Receives data from the following servers:
- 5.###.227.65:7685
- 18#.##0.53.49:2223