Executes next shell scripts:
- /system/bin/app_process /system/bin com.ddos.ks.protect.GuardProcess 2074 <Package> { model : <System Property> , androidId : 57611bfab2e4c694 , sdcard : true , SystemTotal :16904777728, fingerprint : <System Property>/<System Property>/<System Property>:4.3.1/JZO54K/I8190XXAMA2:eng/test-keys , simOperator : 310004 , parentGid : 202 , buildTime : 1495112467000 , counrty : US , appPackname : <Package> , appvername : 2.0 , screen : 800-552 , SystemAvailable :15193624576, androidVersion : 18 , appvercode : 2 , networkOperatorName : Verizon , simSerialNumber : <ICCID> , gaid : , channelId : 10000 , osv : 18 , imei : <IMEI> , gameId : 202 , networkOperator : 310004 , parentCid : 10000 , operator : 310004 , product : <System Property> , manufacturer : unknown , macAddr : , brand : <System Property> , imsi : <IMSI> , language : en , uuid : 00000000-1180-8fb6-6773-c75150ca6f57 , serial : <System Property> , release : 4.3.1 , SDAvailable :15193624576, SDTotal :16904777728, vercode : 171 }
- app_process /system/bin com.android.commands.pm.Pm install -r -s <SD-Card>/joyappstore/downloads/2403_3201_10000_32_1.0_271_072116.apk
- app_process /system/bin com.android.commands.pm.Pm install -r /storage/emulated/0/joyappstore/downloads/2403_3201_10000_32_1.0_271_072116.apk
- app_process /system/bin com.android.commands.pm.Pm install -r <SD-Card>/joyappstore/downloads/2403_3201_10000_32_1.0_271_072116.apk
- bart f66a97a35253a0552849dfc5832f56ac
- bart f66a97a35253a055ac18a3798ffe6b00
- sh
Loads the following dynamic libraries:
Uses the following algorithms to encrypt data:
Uses the following algorithms to decrypt data:
Gains access to geolocation
Gains access to network information
Gains access to telephone information (number, imei, etc.)
Adds tasks to the system scheduler