Executes next shell scripts:
- /system/bin/sh -c getprop ro.aa.romver
- /system/bin/sh -c getprop ro.board.platform
- /system/bin/sh -c getprop ro.build.fingerprint
- /system/bin/sh -c getprop ro.build.nubia.rom.name
- /system/bin/sh -c getprop ro.build.rom.id
- /system/bin/sh -c getprop ro.build.tyd.kbstyle_version
- /system/bin/sh -c getprop ro.build.version.emui
- /system/bin/sh -c getprop ro.build.version.opporom
- /system/bin/sh -c getprop ro.gn.gnromvernumber
- /system/bin/sh -c getprop ro.lenovo.series
- /system/bin/sh -c getprop ro.lewa.version
- /system/bin/sh -c getprop ro.meizu.product.model
- /system/bin/sh -c getprop ro.miui.ui.version.name
- /system/bin/sh -c getprop ro.vivo.os.build.display.id
- /system/bin/sh -c type su
- <error:2>
- app_process /system/bin com.android.commands.pm.Pm install -r /system/app/time.apk
- app_process /system/bin com.android.commands.pm.Pm uninstall com.example.xphuluxia
- app_process /system/bin com.android.commands.pm.Pm uninstall de.robv.android.xposed.installer
- busybox --install -s /system/xbin
- chattr +i /system/app/crutte.apk
- chattr +i /system/app/time.apk
- chmod 0755 /system/xbin/busybox
- chmod 644 /system/app/crutte.apk
- chmod 644 /system/app/time.apk
- chmod 700 /data/data/com.binge.shuazan/tx_shell/libnfix.so
- chmod 700 /data/data/com.binge.shuazan/tx_shell/libshella-
- chmod 700 /data/data/com.binge.shuazan/tx_shell/libufix.so
- chmod 700 <Package Folder>/tx_shell/libnfix.so
- chmod 700 <Package Folder>/tx_shell/libshella-
- chmod 700 <Package Folder>/tx_shell/libufix.so
- chmod 755 /system/app/Launcher2.apk
- chmod 777 /system/app/data.bat
- chmod 777 /system/app/data1.bat
- cp mnt<SD-Card>/Android/busybox /system/xbin/
- getprop ro.aa.romver
- getprop ro.board.platform
- getprop ro.build.fingerprint
- getprop ro.build.nubia.rom.name
- getprop ro.build.rom.id
- getprop ro.build.tyd.kbstyle_version
- getprop ro.build.version.emui
- getprop ro.build.version.opporom
- getprop ro.gn.gnromvernumber
- getprop ro.lenovo.series
- getprop ro.lewa.version
- getprop ro.meizu.product.model
- getprop ro.miui.ui.version.name
- getprop ro.vivo.os.build.display.id
- getprop ro.yunos.version
- logcat -d -v threadtime
- ls data
- mount -o rw,remount /system
- mount -o rw,remount /system/xbin
- mv /system/app/data.bat /system/app/time.apk
- mv /system/app/data1.bat /system/app/crutte.apk
- rm -r mnt/sdcatd/Android/busybox
- rm -r mnt<SD-Card>/Android/data.bat
- rm -r mnt<SD-Card>/Android/data1.bat
- sh
- su
Loads the following dynamic libraries:
- Bugly
- liblegudb
- libnfix
- libshella-
- libufix
- nfix
- ufix
Uses the following algorithms to encrypt data:
- AES-GCM-NoPadding
- RSA-ECB-PKCS1Padding
Uses the following algorithms to decrypt data:
- AES-ECB-PKCS5Padding
- AES-GCM-NoPadding
Uses elevated priveleges.
Uses special library to hide executable bytecode.
Gains access to telephone information (number, imei, etc.)
Displays its own windows over windows of other applications