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Virus library

An analysis of the technologies used by cybercriminals allows us to draw conclusions about the virus industry’s possible vectors of development and more effectively confront future threats. You, too, can learn what actions various malicious programs take in infected systems and how to withstand them.

Trojan.WinSpy.173 aliases:

Name Vendor Dr.Web classification name
TR/Crypt.ZPACK.Gen Avira Trojan.WinSpy.173
Generic.dx!cwn McAfee Trojan.WinSpy.173
VirTool:Win32/Obfuscator.FW Microsoft Trojan.WinSpy.173
Packed.Win32.Krap.w Kaspersky Trojan.WinSpy.173
Trojan.Win32.Waledac VirusBlokAda Trojan.WinSpy.173
TROJ_Generic.DIT Trend Micro Trojan.WinSpy.173
Generic.dx!fep McAfee Trojan.WinSpy.173
Trojan.Generic.2404466 BitDefender Trojan.WinSpy.173
Generic.dx!fgy McAfee Trojan.WinSpy.173
Malware-Cryptor.Win32.General.3 VirusBlokAda Trojan.WinSpy.173
Generic.dx!hfw McAfee Trojan.WinSpy.173
Trojan:Win32/Trabin!rts Microsoft Trojan.WinSpy.173
Trojan.Win32.FraudPack.stf Kaspersky Trojan.WinSpy.173
Gen:Trojan.Heur.TP.eCW@bWbGO8cc BitDefender Trojan.WinSpy.173
TROJ_BREDLAB.SMG Trend Micro Trojan.WinSpy.173
FakeAlert-EI McAfee Trojan.WinSpy.173
Gen:Trojan.Heur.Vundo.dqW@bi90BUe BitDefender Trojan.WinSpy.173
TR/Dropper.Gen Avira Trojan.WinSpy.173
Generic.dx!ecv McAfee Trojan.WinSpy.173
Spam-Mailbot.p McAfee Trojan.WinSpy.173
Cryp_Bredo Trend Micro Trojan.WinSpy.173 Kaspersky Trojan.WinSpy.173
TR/Drop.Agent.exo Avira Trojan.WinSpy.173
Generic Dropper!ju McAfee Trojan.WinSpy.173
TR/Spy.ZBot.B Avira Trojan.WinSpy.173
Generic.dx!djs McAfee Trojan.WinSpy.173
Generic.dx!ehn McAfee Trojan.WinSpy.173
Rkit/Agent.wwx Avira Trojan.WinSpy.173
Generic.dx!fpj McAfee Trojan.WinSpy.173
Generic.dx!dcg McAfee Trojan.WinSpy.173
TR/Agent.ZZZZD Avira Trojan.WinSpy.173 VirusBlokAda Trojan.WinSpy.173

Vulnerabilities for Android

According to statistics, every fifth program for Android contains a vulnerability (or, in other words, a "loophole") that lets cybercriminals successfully introduce Trojans onto mobile devices and manipulate them into doing whatever actions they need them to.

Dr.Web Security Auditor for Android diagnoses and analyses a mobile device’s security and offers solutions to address security problems and vulnerabilities.