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An analysis of the technologies used by cybercriminals allows us to draw conclusions about the virus industry’s possible vectors of development and more effectively confront future threats. You, too, can learn what actions various malicious programs take in infected systems and how to withstand them.

TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 aliases:

Name Vendor Dr.Web classification name
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.DownLoad.52751
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.Proxy.6451
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.Siggen.17814
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.DownLoad.52539
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Worm.Siggen.1849
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.Siggen.6657
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Win32.HLLW.MyBot.94
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Win32.HLLW.Autoruner.11165
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro BackDoor.IRC.Sdbot.5479
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.StartPage.22643
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.Packed.16577
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.Popuper.16079
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.Siggen.25978
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.DownLoad.57788
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.PWS.Dybalom
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.MulDrop.37054
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.DownLoad1.8253
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.Click.34087
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.Packed.6583
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.Proxy.8716
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.Siggen.25474
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Adware.Erg.27
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro BackDoor.Poison.1731
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.PWS.Qqpass.3166
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.Siggen.28025
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.Click.30748
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.MulDrop.47499
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.MulDrop.48649
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.PWS.Banker.32505
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.MulDrop.37711
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro BackDoor.IRC.Sdbot.6661
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.StartPage.22797
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.MulDrop.40374
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro BackDoor.Bifrost.1045
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro BackDoor.Poison.1756
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.Inject.6573
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.Siggen.7228
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Win32.HLLW.Autoruner.9694
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.Siggen.25666
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.DownLoad.53376
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.DownLoad1.12190
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro BackDoor.Bifrost.3446
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.MulDrop1.49178
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Win32.HLLW.Siggen.528
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro BackDoor.Bifrost.1101
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro BackDoor.Poison.1755
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.MulDrop.37357
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.Siggen.26032
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Trojan.DownLoad.53536
TROJ_Gen.RZ3077 Trend Micro Win32.HLLW.Autoruner.9670

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Vulnerabilities for Android

According to statistics, every fifth program for Android contains a vulnerability (or, in other words, a "loophole") that lets cybercriminals successfully introduce Trojans onto mobile devices and manipulate them into doing whatever actions they need them to.

Dr.Web Security Auditor for Android diagnoses and analyses a mobile device’s security and offers solutions to address security problems and vulnerabilities.